Quarantine, the new norm?

Are you alone or scared? Me too. Right now we are forced away from our jobs, the people we care about and our daily lives. I hope you are blessed enough to have shelter, food and water. If you have a computer or a phone in your hands and WIFI to keep connected then you are better off than most of the world.

What if, the quarantine is a chance to become anything you want?

Please understand this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. This is your chance to conquer that bucket list. Sir Isaac Newton discovered calculus in quarantine. William Shakespeare wrote “King Lear” during the Plague. What could you accomplish? Now you don’t need to write a masterpiece or change the world from your bedroom in the next week, but you can make small changes to accomplish some goals. For years I have heard people say they don’t have time to create a side hustle, learn a new language, or even exercise. Well now is your chance.

In 2007, the world changed when the iPhone first made an appearance, we have had instant access to the world’s largest library. I remember, if I wanted to learn something I had to go find a book and read. If I was lucky enough to find a so-called expert in the related field I could try to learn from them but I never did well in school. I didn’t learn the same way as other people. Fast forward to today and the world is at your fingertips. You can find experts in every field teaching in all kinds of new, cutting edge ways. Can you imagine being stuck in quarantine in the 90’s?

I have spent my life searching for ways to create a “high-performance lifestyle”. Finding the best and most efficient method to attain success in every area. A high-performance lifestyle may be within reach if you want it badly enough. What if, you could make living doing something you enjoy and look/feel better than ever? Creating good habits seems be the key to your success. If you can string together a couple of good days, you can create a pretty remarkable life in a short amount of time. Create a morning and evening ritual will help systemize your life. James Clear says in his book Atomic Habits that we don’t rise to the level of our goals. We fall to level of our habits.

Here are some of the latest and greatest tip on making the most out of each day. We call them the: FightShape BIG 5

1. Wake up Early! Wake up early tomorrow. The early bird will get the worm. Waking up early extends the day and you have more time to get stuff done. This whole 5am club is nuts but it works. Robin Sharma says “Own the morning and elevate your life. Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself.”

2. Meditate. Everyone is talking about mediation. It has been around forever and it works but it works for everyone differently. Sit, close your eyes and breathe for 5 mins. 

3. Workout!  After you meditate and clear your head, you need to move your body. Pick anything and WORK. A quick 20 min workout will produce endorphins and your brain will start working. Creativity is boosted and neurons are firing. Don’t just go for the same old run. Try something different, yoga or lift some weights. Try to choose a type of exercise that your body needs. If you can’t touch your toes, you might need some yoga. If you can’t do a push up maybe you need a bodyweight strength workout. Just type it into the search engine and GO! Or check out FightShape IG, FB or Youtube.

4. Diet. I wonder how much weight the world will gain during this public health crisis? Food can make you feel better and comfort you in stressful situations. But if you choose to fuel your body with garbage, when it is unable to burn it off, you will be in worse health when this whole crisis blows over. Please choose whole foods with minimal processing. Eat real food with low sugar. By reducing your carbohydrate content, you can minimize the effects of reduced movement. Now I understand if you weren’t able to stock up on nutritious and healthy food that can last weeks. However I tried to choose things you can still get at the grocery store. Here is a sample quarantine diet: Start with some instant coffee & small amount of coconut oil (careful with the coconut oil or you will need all that toilet paper, you stock up on). Here is where intermittent fasting come in. Fasting has been proven improve digestion and well being. Around 12-3pm depending on how early you got up, fry up some eggs or crack open a can of tuna. Have the eggs or tuna or even vegan meat with some can beans, quinoa or rice. Now for dinner eat some meat (chicken, beef, fish or some of that delicious vegan meat) with some vegatables. You pick. You know if you want to lose fat, you shouldn’t eat potatoes or corn. Canned, frozen or if you can find them fresh, anything will do. Have some calming tea, like chamomile or peppermint and try to sleep early.  

5. Work. Now you can work, study, write, or read. Sit down and work on something you have been putting off. No more excuses. Time to get something done. Or you can do your actually job better than anyone has ever done that job before.

Now, to be clear, I understand that not everyone has the privilege of staying and working from home. I know there are people out there suffering because of this lockdown and my heart goes out to them. The message I’m trying to impart is we’re all on lockdown (alone), but together so let’s do something productive and positive with the time we’re forced to stay home.  We’ll get through this together. See you all on the flip side.

Stay safe and healthy, 
